Ambience Public School, Gurugram

Ambience Public School

Newsletter- June 2021

During the past 15 months a lot has happened and all of us have faced some very unprecedented circumstances resulting in heightened feelings and emotions which sometimes we do not know how to address. A good place to start would be to ask the question,’ How do I feel?’ and’ How do I know?’ Typically, how we feel affects us physically and how we behave and respond. In fact, that can be one way to know how our feelings and emotions are getting manifested. However, most often than not we do not like to talk about our feelings, specially if they really matter to us and these can get expressed through our body language. Becoming aware of this, acknowledging it and also being aware of the causes or triggers can help us deal with our feelings in a more responsible and healthier way.


Admissions are open for Foundation Year to XI

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